Tag Archives: Hotline Miami

Why I Love and Hate Hotline Miami

Why I Love and Hate Hotline Miami

Dennaton Games’ Hotline Miami is perhaps one of the greatest games to come out of the Game Maker engine. It combines the twitch reflexes of twin stick games and combines an intense layer of rogue-like stealth. When you die, it’s your fault and the consequences are very minimalistic. Each level takes less than three minutes but it will take you a lot longer than that. The premise is interesting and makes you feel like a gangster with something that resembles a heart. The graphics fit that 80’s Miami Vice look and the soundtrack compliments it perfectly. The limited ammunition for guns make sense and having them has their ups and downs. The game is over the top gory and red pixels never looked so good. That tiny window of peace between missions is like finding a save room in Resident Evil. As soon as you walk out that door it’s go time!

If you haven’t figured out why I love and respect Hotline Miami than you should reread the first paragraph. There is a reason this indie game became a cult classic but there are a few reasons why I really can’t stand this game. I’m sure a lot of it has to do with my lack of skill, but I can’t help but notice details in the game that make me want to range quit because the game feels like it cheated on me. For starters, I understand that this is a top down video game but as I put myself in the role of the player I have to wonder if my mask is obscuring my vision or if I need a pair of glasses because I should totally be able to see that dog or two guys with guns across the hall.  I understand that I am supposed to learn the first time, but there are cases where these goons are patrolling and my timing is not always the same. Being able to zoom the camera out would have helped greatly and seeing how the world outside the building is already barren, I already know it isn’t detailed. Perhaps this edition would have made the game too easy and was somewhere on the drawing board but giving the player the option to do so would be nice. Even taking the option out on a hard difficulty would have been nice.

Another thing I hate about this game is the super human AI. If you shoot your gun at someone you better be prepared. Funneling guards through a door works but not always. Locking on is the best way to kill enemies with a gun but the lock on doesn’t work to well with multiple bad guys. Even when you think you have your gun aimed directly at the door way, that AI will probably see you first. I’m sure there are huge stealth fans that love this edition but I don’t care for stealth in games. It’s strange why I even gave Hotline Miami a chance in that regards. Either way, the doesn’t feel human when the rest of the game does.  I’d play a different game if I wanted to fight supernatural creature or robots but in a game that aims to feel realistic, this crazy AI breaks my immersion.

With all that being said, I still need to finish my play through of Hotline Miami but boy do I suck at it. I am pretty excited to see what Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number brings to the table in terms of advancing the gameplay. So I ask you, what games do you love but hate with a fiery passion? Think about all those games you play but make you want to throw the controller out the window or smash your keyboard because it’s frustrating or hard.

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Posted by on June 3, 2014 in Opinion


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5 Genres I want to see in More Twin Stick Games

5 Genres I want to see in More Twin Stick Games

As games evolve each year, we see most of the innovation in new games melding genres together. The RPG genre has been melded into just about every genre known to man so I won’t be mentioning it in this article. I should also mention that the term genre in all video games is fairly vague so I will try my best to explain what parts of the genre I would love to see in twin stick shooters.



As you saw from last weeks post, I played Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light. Before playing this game, I never really thought how one of my favorite genres of my childhood could fit with the twin stick genre. Now, I can see exactly how jumping around in a top down perspective can work as well as the chaos of twin stick games.  I can imagine the level designs of Super Mario 3D Land/World but with hundred of enemies hindering your progress as you make your attempt to jump across platforms and maneuver across narrow passages.


The puzzle genre would fit perfectly with the top down perspective seen in twin stick games.  Puzzles would help the pacing in these fast paced action games similar to how the Devil May Cry and the God of War series uses them to pace their games.  Sometimes its nice to slow down the action and think about how you will go about a specific problem.  Think about a twin stick game having dungeons or even a Smash TV like setting with puzzle specific rooms.

Beat-em Up/Hack’n’Slash

Games like Double Dragon and, again, Devil May Cry have similar action pacing to twin stick games but is geared towards melee combat. The camera in twin stick games aren’t necessarily geared towards Beat-em Ups but I think it could work. Having it similar to Hotline Miami and making enemies more vulnerable to melee or ranged combat could add a bunch of new challenges to the genre.


This one is pretty self-explanatory. Exploring a giant world with friends, collecting loot and raiding dungeons would be a blast in a twin stick game. Would the shear amount of bullets hold up in a twin stick game? I sure hope so.


Tower Defense

Think about the Sanctum series but top down. The tower defense genre is already top down and contains an obscene amount of enemies. Having players worry about their towers and their player adds to the chaos of the genre.

Any genre’s you’d like to see melded with the Twin Stick Shooter genre?



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Posted by on April 24, 2014 in Opinion


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